Alumni of MCBC

Don’t forget about us!

We’re always keen to keep in touch with existing alumni. Whether you want to ask about Eights Dinner this year, or find out something about the history of the club, we’re all ears.

We’d also love for you to come back to Merton! The main event of the year for Alumni is Summer Eights Dinner, which is on the Saturday of Summer Eights every year. If you’ve never been before, it is a truly wonderful experience.

We also hope to welcome alumni to the occasional rowing session throughout the year. Should you be interested in joining one of these sessions, please do let us know!

If you would like to get in touch, please do reach out to the current committee. Our Alumni Officer will be delighted to hear from you.

Please find our contact details under the ‘Contact’ page of the website. You’d also be welcome to contact the Merton College Development Office at

Rowing kit in the early days (1848)
Is this you? 1848 Kit in the early days